Honest BOSS Mum

Hi my name is Alicia and I’m owner and photographer at Alicia Marshall Photography in Soham, Cambridgeshire.

I’ve been in the photography industry for 10 years now and am a specialist in Newborn and children photography.

I work from my home studio in Soham, which means I can still do the school run and put loads of washing in the machine between clients. Got to love the perks!!!

So I’m basically a stay at home working mummy!

I spend most of my time when I’m not with clients, planning and designing cool sets for my sessions. It’s quite handy in my profession to be arty and creative. I get to make lots of cool props and over use my glue gun.

I have 2 young girls under 9, and I spend most of my time shouting their names and threatening to bin their tablets. I’d like to paint an idyllic picture of perfect children, and a well put together mummy that has complete control, but that would be lies!!!!

If I had control I wouldn’t have to scream as much as I do……

But they are well behaved and  polite for others and are both good students,they just don’t extend those behaviors in their own home, so I can’t complain too much.

And I know one day I’ll miss the chaos they cause!!

I also work as a Boudoir Photographer, which I love!!

And I am founder of the Charity Raise a Smile.

And I’ll be totally honest with you, I am the worlds worst blogger! I love writing but just never get round to it, it’s not even that I’m being lazy or finding content. It’s just bad time management on my part and prioritising.

So if you want random updates from a hot mess mum about how she’s juggling working from home, herding crazy kids and growing a tiny business empire, this is definitely the Blog to follow. I won’t let you down and I may make you laugh on occasion or make you feel better about your life.


Honest BOSS Mum




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